1973 Bell 212 for Sale
1973 Bell 212 BLR For Sale
- Make: Bell
- Country: Canada
- Model: 212
- Year: 1973
- Serial No: 30596
- Flight Time: 10787.5 hours
This Bell 212 BLR Fast Fin is a lightweight utility onshore configured helicopter and is available for immediate sale. With Mid-life engines and components, and has excellent time for the year of manufacture, this helicopter would be a great addition to your fleet.
Dual Digital Clock - MB 77
ATC Transponder
Dual VHF NAV/COMM - Bendix King KX165
Blue Sky System
Public Address
FM Radio - Technisonic TFM 138B
ELT - Artex 406Mhz
Nine (9) Passenger Seats with 4-Point Shoulder Harness
Floor Protection
Additional Features
- Two (2) Fire Extinguishers
- Dart High Skid Gear
- Windshield Wipers
- Cargo Hook Provisions
- Hoist Provisions
- Wire Strike Protection
- First Aid Kit
- Rotor Brake
- Concord Battery
- Vertical Reference Window
- Auxiliary Fuel Tank
- Fixed Passenger Steps