1982 Bell 212HP for Sale
1982 Bell 212 HP for Sale
- Make: Bell
- Country: Bolivia
- Model: 212HP
- Year: 1982
- Serial No: 31225
- Flight Time: 17455 hours
- Available: January 2024
Excellent onshore utility helicopter
DME - Bendix King KDM 706
Marker Beacon - Bendix King KR21
Analog Clock
Dual VHF COMM - Bendix King KTR 905
CVR - L3 SSCVR 2100
Weather Radar - Honeywell Primus 440
ICS - Becker A301-6W
ELT - Artex 406 Mhz
FM Transceiver - Technisonic TFM138B
Autopilot - Sperry Helipilot & Helics 11
TCAS - Goodrich Skywatch 497
Dual Radar Altimeter - Sperry AA300
Dual VHF NAV/VOR/ILS - Bendix King KNR 639
Transponder - Collins TDR90
Encoding Altimeter - Trans-Cal SSD120
GPS - Trimble TNL 2101
Portable Satellite Tracking System - BlueSky
Nine (9) Passenger Seats with 4-Point Shoulder Harness
Floor Protection
Additional Features
Nine (9) Passenger Seats with 4-Point Shoulder Harness
Floor Protection
Two (2) Fire Extinguishers
Rotor Brake
Cargo Hook Provisions
Concord Sealed Lead Acid Battery
First Aid Kit
Marker Beacon - Dukane
Windshield Wiper System
Emergency Floats
Auxiliary Fuel Tanks 20/90