2006 Bell 412EP for Sale
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Aircraft Details
- Price: Make an Offer
- Year: 2006
- Make/Model: Bell 412EP
- Number of Seats: 13
- Serial Number: 36413
- Flight Time: 10042
Utility configuration
- Dual VHF COM - Bendix King KTR 908
- Dual NAV/VOR/ILS/GS/MB - Bendix King KNR 634A
- ADF - Bendix King KDF 806
- Transponder - Bendix King MST 67A
- Weather radar and mapping - Bendix King RDR 2000
- Radio altimeter - Honeywell AA 300
- Intercom - Andrea A 301 6WCR
- DME - Bendix King KDM 706A
- CVR - HR Smith 3257A1
- DDAFCS - SPZ 7600
- GPS - Bendix King KLN 900
- FDR - HR Smith
- Thirteen (13) passenger seats
- Airline seat kit
- 5-Point harness
- Cabin heating and ventilation
Additional Features
- Auxiliary fuel tank provisions
- Two (2) portable fire extinguishers
- First aid kit
- Searchlight
- Underwater locator beacon
- Cargo hook provisions
- Sliding cabin doors
- Dual controls
- Emergency float provisions
- Windshield demisting system
- Strobe / anti-collision lights