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1980 CESSNA 182RG

Reg # N287BW

$165,000 OBO

  • 1980 CESSNA 182RG Photo 2
  • 1980 CESSNA 182RG Photo 3
  • 1980 CESSNA 182RG Photo 4
  • 1980 CESSNA 182RG Photo 5
  • 1980 CESSNA 182RG Photo 6
  • 1980 CESSNA 182RG Photo 7
  • 1980 CESSNA 182RG Photo 2


Flown 450+ hours last 3 years. Motivated Seller moving up to Malibu Mirage

TTAF; 5530

SMOH: 1475

SPOH: 585


VFR/IFR aircraft. Garmin 430WAAS and Stec 55 Autopilot w/ GPSS and Slaved HSI. JPI EDM830 engine monitor.


Slight damage history - nose gear collapse, gear up and prop strike. All documented and fixed professionally. Fly to minimums with ease!

Ryan Barton

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