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1973 CESSNA 414

Reg # HB-LSX


  • 1973 CESSNA 414 Photo 2
  • 1973 CESSNA 414 Photo 3
  • 1973 CESSNA 414 Photo 4
  • 1973 CESSNA 414 Photo 5
  • 1973 CESSNA 414 Photo 6


Fantastic Cessna 414 RAM 7 with recent avionics upgrade and extended range fuel tanks
Specifications subject to verification by purchaser and aircraft subject to withdrawal from the sales at any time without notice

Total Time: 4,385

Imported in Switzerland in June 2012 with TT: 3912:10
Previous Registration: D-ILAY

Upgraded to RAM VII per the following FAA STC's:
SA09469SC-D, EASA STC 10038286 including STC SA3721SW, SE4651SW, SE4327SW-DSA7984SW-D and SA09469SC-D

238 USG Fuel including 4 each wing locker tanks

Engine 1:
Continental TSIO-520NB, 325 Horse Power
Total Time: 2051:38
Replaced in September 2013 at Aircraft TT: 3912:10
Modified with RAM FAA STC SA4327SW-D

Engine 2:
Continental TSIO-520NB, 325 Horse Power
Total Time: 2539:32
Replaced in September 2013 at Aircraft TT: 3912:10
Modified with RAM FAA STC SA4327SW-D

4 bladed de-iced composite Propellers MTV-14-D-F/CF188-30g with CF188-30g Blades
Manufactured in 2007
TT: 474:49
TSOH: 201:12
Propeller overhaul performed by MT-Propeller


Avionics and autopilot upgrade per EASA Mod. 0060029550-001

PS Engineering PMA8000C Audio Panel, Intercom, Marker Beacon
Garmin GNS530W NAV-COM-GPS, interfaced with Radar System
Garmin G-600, EASA STC.A.S.037679 (Garmin GDU620) with TAWS and Synthetic Vision, Radar Display
King KI206 Number Two NAV Indicator
King KX165A NAV-COM 3
S-TEC 55X Autopilot with Computerl, Transducer, Roll/Pitch/Trim Servos, Turn and Bank, Yaw Damper, FAA STC SA8890SW-D, LBA Validated
Shadin Digidata-L with Fuel Flow Option grandfathered FAA STC SA00729SE-D
King KN63 DME, displayed on G600
King KR87 ADF displayed on G600
Garmin GTX330 XPDR S Number 1
Garmin GDC74A Encoder
King KT73 XPDR Number 2
ACK A30.4 Encoder
Garmin GWX68 Weather Radar displayed on G600
King KRA10A Radar Altimeter
Altitude Alerter integrated in the Garmin G600
L-3 Sky 497 TAS System displayed on G600 and GNS530W, connected to ACK A-30.4 Encoder
Artex ELT ME406 PN 453-6603, 406 Mhz
Intercom for all Passengers

EDM760 Engine Analyzer
Astro Tec Digital Clock/Timer
Complete Co-Pilot Instrument Panel
ASR EPU6A5 Emergency Power Supply

Attitude Gyro, Attitude Indiator, Vertical Speed Indicator, both Airspeed Indicators, Fuel Quantity Indicator, Manifold Pressure Indicator repaired by Avionitec on 20.09.2013

Main Battery replaced on 20.09.2013

Both Attitude Indicators and Tachometers repai4red by Avionitec on 30.03.2015

Radar Antenna GWX68 replaced on 02.11.2016

HSI replaced on 14.12.2018


White with blue and silver stripes. Condition: 8/10


7 Seats (inclusing rear Side Facing Potty Seat
Grey Side Panels, Blue Leather Seats, Grey Carpet. Condition 8/10
Grey Alcantara Headliner
Rear Partition
Blue Seat Belts
Courtesy Table
Refreshment Cabinet
Intercom for all Passengers
Rear and Nose Baggage Compartment
Leather Covered Control Yoke

Additional Equipment

Toilet Potty
Surface De-Ice
Alcohol Anti Ice
Air Conditioning provisions, system not installed, two cabin blowers are operative!
Releaf Tube
RAM VII per FAA STC 09469SC-D, EASA STC 10038286 including STC SA3721SW, SE4651SW, SA7984SW-D and SA09469SC-D installed on 20.09.2013 at TT: 3912:10

LH and RH Aft Wing Locker Tank FAA STC SA2514CE installed 20.09.2013
Left Nacelle Tank

Aft Body Strakes FAA STC SA01935LA installed 30.03.2015

ASR EPU6A5 Emergency Power Supply

Vortex Generators

Rosen Sun Visor FAA STC SA51NM

LED Taxi Light

Modifications / Conversions

Surface De-Ice
Alcohol Anti Ice
Releaf Tube
RAM VII per FAA STC 09469SC-D, EASA STC 10038286 including STC SA3721SW, SE4651SW, SA7984SW-D and SA09469SC-D installed on 20.09.2013 at TT: 3912:10

LH and RH Aft Wing Locker Tank STC SA2514CE installed 20.09.2013

Aft Body Strakes FAA STC SA01935LA installed 30.03.2015

ASR EPU6A5 Emergency Power Supply

Vortex Generators

Rosen Sun Visor STC SA51NM

LED Taxi Light


20.09.2013 at TT: 3912:10
Both windshields replaced
Main landing gear torque tubes replaced
Avionids Upgrades

22.02.2018 at TT: 4131:42:
Combustin Heater replaced with new Hartzell Heater

27.07.2018 at TT: 4171:41:
Engine Beams inspection
Engine Flex Hoses inspection
Heater Inspection
Fuel Selector Valve inspection
Corrosion Program Inspections performed
A-SID Zone 2 Inspection performed per Gomolzig STC EASA A.S.03328

14.12.2018 at TT: 4183:48:
Seat belts overhaul by ASF Germany
Oxygen Bottle overhaul
Propeller overhaul by MT-Propeller

Propeller Goverors overhauled by MT-Propeller

Empty Weight: 4986.2 Lbs

Max Ramp Weight: 6800 Lbs
MTOW: 6765 Lbs
Max Landing Weight: 6430 Lbs

Current FOCA MTOW: 2880 kg

Nose Baggage Capacity 284 Lbs
Rear Baggage Compartment Capacity: 100 Lbs

338 USG Fuel Capacity

Swiss Noise Class D
Noise Level: 82.8 dB(A)

Last 200 hrs annual inspection completed 14/04/2020 at 4294:40
Engines run every two weeks

ARC Airworthiness Review Inspection due

Aircraft will be sold with current Annual Inspection and ARC (Airworthiness Review Certificate)

Aeromeccanica, SA


Phone: (41) 9121 03128

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