Contact Bill Cooper, dealer, for more information.
Raven II. New!
Fire extinguisher aft, A/C, Tinted windows and windshield, Vertical card compass,
Garmin GTR225B com radio, Artificial horizon slipskid, Garmin GTN635 GPS/Com, GTX325 Mode C XPNDR and ENC, Kannad 406 ELT, Garmin GMA350Hc audio panel
There will be a factory price increase on Robinson Helicopter purchases on January 15th. All orders placed before the 15th will be at the last years prices but after the 15th the price of anew helicopter will go up.
Delivery 2025
Raven II. New!
Fire extinguisher aft, A/C, Tinted windows and windshield, Vertical card compass,
Garmin GTR225B com radio, Artificial horizon slipskid, Garmin GTN635 GPS/Com, GTX325 Mode C XPNDR and ENC, Kannad 406 ELT, Garmin GMA350Hc audio panel
There will be a factory price increase on Robinson Helicopter purchases on January 15th. All orders placed before the 15th will be at the last years prices but after the 15th the price of anew helicopter will go up.
Delivery 2025
Viper Red with Robinson White trim.
Logo only no stripe
Logo only no stripe