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Reg # SYAI


  • 1970 SIAI MARCHETTI SF260 Photo 2


Only 611 hours since new!!

The aircraft is civilian and was operated from 1970 until 1996 and after that was put in storage.

Currently still in Storage Condition. Engine is removed.

The aircraft has had a very low utilization and it is impossible to find another one like this on the market.

Total Time: 630

Engine: Lycoming O-540-E4A5, S/N: L-12107-40
Manufactured January 30, 1968
Total Time Since New: 630 Hours.
Time Since Overhaul: 40 Hours.

Overhauled with Magnetos Inspection after Overspeed. Work carried out by Bosio Motori on March 3, 1983 at TT: 590:07 Hours.
Major Repair after Accident, with Carburettor Overhaul, Performed By Transair Milan on August 22, 1975 at TT: 357:42 Hours.

Major Repair after Propeller Strike performed by Armeccanica on October 23, 1987 at TT: 606:12 Hours

Major Repair performed by Aermeccanica on May 10, 1991
at TT: 611:12 Hours , After the repair carried out by aeromeccanica, the aircraft flew for 19 hours

Propeller: Hartzell HC-C2YK-1B
Total Time Since Hub Replacement: 38 Hours.
Time Since Overhaul: 38 Hours.


Bendix King KX 155 NAV-COM
Bendix King KI 209 NAV Indicator
NARCO MBT-24 Marker Beacon Receiver
Narco ADF-140 ADF Receiver and Narco ADF-101 ADF Receiver
Collins TCR-451 DME Receiver and Colllins IND-450 DME Indicator
Bendix King KT 76A Transponder Mode C
Bendix King KR 87 TSO ADF
GEMELLI AG-04 Audio Panel ICS


Orange, Italian Air Force Paint Scheme, In Good Condition, repainted in 2005, 10/10.


Blue Leather, in good condition 9/10.

Additional Equipment

Maximum Take Off Weight: 1102 Kg

Specification Subject to verification by purchaser.
Aircraft subject to removal from the market at any time without notice.

Aeromeccanica, SA


Phone: (41) 9121 03128

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