Cessna 180 aircraft for sale
Aircraft Total Time: 6038 Hours
Engine Time: 750 SMOH on 0-470R, 230 HP
Propeller Time: 750 SPOH on McCauley two blade
Annual Due: February 2025
Useful Load: 980 Lbs......more.
Skywagons.com, LLC - (530) 306-4648
Airframe Time: 5950 Hours Total Time
Engine Time: 155 Hours SMOH on O-470-UcK, 230 HP Continental (Western Skyways 2016), 1500 Hour TBO
Prop Time: 1289 SPOH, on McCauley C-204 (2003) two blade.
Annual Due: November 2023
Useful Load: 973 Lbs......more.
Skywagons.com, LLC - (530) 306-4648
Airframe Time: 4112 Hours Total Time
Engine Time: 1167 Hours SMOH on 0-470R
Prop Time: 180 Hours SPOH on two blade McCauley C203
Annual Due: Febuary 2025
Useful Load: 890 Lbs......more.
Skywagons.com, LLC - (530) 306-4648
Aircraft Total Time: 6314 Hours
Engine Time: 1798 Hours on Texas Skyways 0-520 F/TS with 2500 hour TBO
Propeller Time: 1798 SPOH on McCaulay C401 three bloade
Annual Due: TBD
Useful Load: TBD......more.
Skywagons.com, LLC - (530) 306-4648
Cessna 180H
5400 TT
550 SMOH Engine is a Conti 0-470R
88" McCauley Seaplane Propeller new in 2021
138 hrs. SNEW
Seaplane Exhaust, Brackett Air Filter, Oil quick drain, 2019 paint, interior and windscreen, leather seats, rear bush seats, clean panel with Stratus transponder and ADSB, integrated WAAS with Appareo interface kit for traffic and weather, iPad radio panel mount, new Rosen ......more.
Aircraft Canada - 403-547-1024
Airframe Time: 3485 Hours Total Time
Engine Time: 168 SNEW on 285 HP, 0-470U/0-520T/S (March 2022)
Prop Time: 168 SNEW on Hartzell three blade. (March 2022)
Annual Due: May 2024
Useful Load: 1000 lbs......more.
Skywagons.com, LLC - (530) 306-4648
TTAF: 4700
Continental reman O-470 R
Time: 70
Time: 70 Don't
miss the chance to own this aircraft. Click here for more details..