Lake aircraft for sale
For Sale, Lake Buccaneer amphibious aircraft. Well maintained with lots of recent work. Aircraft features the sought after cargo door which makes loading an unloading much easier than a standard Lake. Aircraft is hangered in Salmon Arm and may be negotiated into the purchase if desired.
Engine 1
Engine 1 Make/Model
Time: 527
TBO: 2000
Overhauled in 1994
Aircraft Canada - 403-547-1024
This beautiful Lake is one of the cleanest on the market. With factory options, the 5 fuel tanks give an astonishing 9-10 hour range, and the additional entry hatch increase the comfort and usefulness of this beautiful aircraft.
Total Time: 1743 Hrs
Engine Time: 529 Hrs
Propeller Time: 19 Hrs
Airframe Details:
40 gal. main tank, two 20 gal. wing tanks and two 7 gal. tip tanks. Total fuel ......more.
Red Beacon Aeronautical - 226-927-6141
Aircraft Total Time: 860 Hours
Engine Time: 860 SMOH on I0-360, 200 HP
Top Overhaul in 2021: 100 Hours ago
Propeller Time: 860 SPOH on Hartzell two blade
Annual Due: April 2026
Useful Load: 930 Lbs......more., LLC - (530) 306-4648
1030 SMOH
Garmin 530W
Collins Nav/Com
KT76A Transponder
Annual March 2022
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