Piper Aztec aircraft for sale
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AircraftMerchants, LLC - (919) 553-5235
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Avpro, Inc. - 410-573-1515
Airframe Total Time: 3584 Hours
Engine Time:
LEFT Lycoming TIO 540-C1A 1,796 SMOH Overhauled March 1982 2,000 Hour TBO
RIGHT Lycoming TIO 540-C1A 1,796 SMOH Overhauled March 1982 2,000 Hour TBO
Prop Time:
LEFT Hartzell Prop Overhauled Dec 2021
RIGHT Hartzell Prop Overhauled Dec 2021......more.
Island Aero Services - 250-656-7627
N50CC is one of the Nicest Low Time Aztecs you will find anywhere!! Loaded Garmin State of the Art Panel- Garmin G500Txi with SVT, Garmin GTN750, Garmin G5, Garmin Flightstream Blutooth, Garmin GTX345 ADS-B in and out! WAAS, LPV Approved, Excellent Paint and Interior. Trades are Possible
Total Time: 4,040
Time: 0 SMOH
0 SMOH......more.
Scott Macdonald Aircraft Sales - (772) 781-5900
For sale is this well maintained Piper Aztec E – a six-seat twin-engine that’s a dream to fly. Docile handling (like a “giant Cub”) but packs performance: cruise at 180 knots at 30 GPH, 1,500 fpm climb rate and short-field capabilities. Just an 820-foot takeoff roll, 1,250 feet to clear a 50-foot obstacle, and 1250 feet to land over the same obstacle with an 850-foot landing roll. Plus, wi......more.
Red Beacon Aeronautical - 226-927-6141
Super Low time Factory Engines 249/249 SFRM (2018) 119/119SPOH (2019) Late E Model with Garmin GNS-430, Garmin MX20 MFD, STEC 50 Autopilot upgrades. Boots, Long Range Fuel. Plane is based in Venezuela, Seller will deliver to US with Fresh Import and FAA Number with sale.
Total Time: 7,640
Time: 249/249
Time: 199/199
Scott Macdonald Aircraft Sales - (772) 781-5900
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