Vans RV aircraft for sale
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AircraftMerchants, LLC - (919) 553-5235
Vans RV6
Built in the USA in 2001 and was registered as N678RS and imported to Canada in 2009. Lycoming IO-360 with Christen Inverted system, High torque SkyTech starter, Smoke System, Oil filter adapter, 3 blade Catto prop, approx. 1450 TTAF and engine.
The aircraft has undergone an extensive refurbish to include:
Full aircraft rewire
New carbon fiber panel (oil and fuel warning lights)
Aircraft Canada - 403-547-1024
2004 VANS RV8A, 56 HOURS $150,000 FOR SALE Aircraft meticulously constructed over six years by retired fighter pilot with 32 years of high-performance aircraft experience. Built for safe cross-country flight, full IFR with the best instrumentation and backup contingency electronics available during build. After certification, testing, and cross-country flight, it has been hangered for 18 years du......more.
Robb Parr - 713-854-5134
Click here for more details.
USA Aircraft Brokers, Inc. - (612) 860-9131
Engine Lycoming E2D 150 HP 112 SMOH by AEA, Tach & Total Time of Aircraft 112 Hrs, Everything New & Always Hangered
GND Adjust SEN Prop Senenich Composite, Electric Flaps Crow Seat Belts, F.U.N.K.E Radio & Transponder GT50, Garmin 760 GPS, Oil Cooler has Door for cold weather warm-up, Long Legged RV-4, Door Cooling Front Cockpit & Rear Passenger
Condition Inspection Date 2-2-2024, 727 Seneni......more.