Cessna 206 Turbo aircraft for sale
A workhorse with very low airframe time. Garmin GTN 650 GPS Navigator.
Total Time: 3,401
Continental TSIO-520-M6
1,097 hours SMOH
374 hours since Top Overhaul......more.
Dan Jay Aircraft Sales - 530-898-1800
Aircraft Total Time: 5216 Hours
Engine Time: 1420 SMOH on TSIO 520 M, 1600 TBO and 310 HP
Time Since Teardown: 510 Hours. (Bearing replacement)
Propeller Time: 532 SPOH on Wide chord square tipped three blade McCauley
Annual Due: May 2025
Useful Load: 1456 Lbs......more.
Skywagons.com, LLC - (530) 306-4648
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