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1967 CESSNA R172E/T-41B for sale -
This is a good running 1967 Cessna R172E which is a rare ex-military T-41B Mescalero. 5600 TTAF. It was out of the factory set up like a 172 Hawk XP but was converted to a Lycoming 180 HP IO-360A1A. 435 SMOH on engine and Constant speed Hartzell propeller model HC-2CYK-1. Since it is ex military it has a factory coat of zinc-chromate on the inside of the whole structure so no corrosion! It has......more.
1967 BEECHCRAFT V35TC BONANZA for sale -
N6264V 1967 V35TC Turbo-Charged Bonanza, Serial No. D-8596, 5875 Total Time Since New, Continental TSIO-520-D 285 Horsepower Turbo-Charged Engine 2025 Since Factory Reman, Turbo GAMI Fuel Injectors, 2 Blade Scimitar Prop 825 Since Prop Overhaul, Osborne 20 Gallon Tip Tanks with Gross Weight Increase, Useful Load = 1268 Lbs, 114 Gallons Usable Fuel, Built-In Oxygen System, New All Electric Garmin G......more.

Carolina Aircraft, Inc. - 336-665-0300




1962 Piper Cherokee 160 for sale -

Aircraft Bidder - 937-418-4498

1962 Navion Rangemaster Super G for sale -
Airframe Time: 3500 Hours Total Time Engine Time: 170 Hours SMOH on I0-520B, 285 HP Prop Time: 95 Hours SPOH on three blade McCauley Annual Due: 0000 2025 Useful Load: 0000 Lbs......more., LLC - (530) 306-4648




1946 AERONCA 7AC CHAMPION for sale -
Useful load 346.3. Wood Spars. Currently on PK 1500 floats, includes wheel gear and float trailer. Madres Air Super Tips model 104 per STC SA2309WE. Covered in Stitts Polyfiber, Left wing 1984, Right wing 2000, Fuselage and tail 1986. Left wing 6.5 gallon aux tank by Aero Fabricaters. Vortex generators. Full electric system. VAL 760 Com. Ameriking 450 ELT. Engine: Lycoming O-235-C1, 115 HP ins......more.