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Lone Mountain Aircraft - 888-566-3686
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Premier Aircraft Sales, Inc. - 800.903.8402
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Lone Mountain Aircraft - 888-566-3686
One of the only pre-owned DA-50RG available in the United States!
Sensational, Spacious, Sustainable, Jet A-1 Powered
The DA50RG stands out from the crowd. Five seats, large baggage compartment.
Don't buy lowest price, buy best equipped!
Total Time: 193
Time: 193
TBO: 2000
Time: 20......more.
Premier Aircraft Sales, Inc. - 800.903.8402
Continental CD-300 Turbocharged, FADEC Controlled Jet-A1 Engine
with 300 HP TOP / 270 HP MCP
MT Propeller MTV-12-D/210-56 3-Blade Constant Propeller
51.5 US Gal (195 LT) Fuel Tank
110 Hours
Engine: 110 Hours
Powerplant: 110 Hours
Warranty: Valid until September 6,2026......more.
Premier Aircraft Sales, Inc. - 800.903.8402
Contact Bill Cooper, dealer, for more information.
Raven II. New!
Fire extinguisher aft, A/C, Tinted windows and windshield, Vertical card compass,
Garmin GTR225B com radio, Artificial horizon slipskid, Garmin GTN635 GPS/Com, GTX325 Mode C XPNDR and ENC, Kannad 406 ELT, Garmin GMA350Hc audio panel
There will be a factory price increase on Robinson Helicopter purchases on January 15th......more.